Fog Again? *big sigh*

The weather this summer has seriously started to make me consider relocation to the desert! Rain, fog and just when you think it's going to clear up another rain shower!

Photo taken just before my run this morning at 8am. The sun is trying hard to break through the fog. I’m pretty sure the score for fog this summer is 42 wins to 3 losses!

This morning before my run I looked outside and all I could see is fog! The weather this summer has seriously started to make me consider relocation to the desert! The dudes were doing their regular routine in the morning of bickering, whining and tantrums… did I mention how much fun it is to have 5 year olds? I was happy that my husband had taken the day off so that meant I had someone to share the pain of the morning routine with (instead of being outnumbered by the twins) and I also had a running partner.

I knew I didn’t have it in me to run the boardwalk this morning in the fog, so I decided to try the trails (I know I said I wouldn’t… but I figured I’d just take it slow). As we stood in the parking lot of the trails getting ready to run, I let out a couple big sighs about how stressful the morning was, how tired my body felt from a very busy weekend and how I so wasn’t feeling this weather!

Within 10 minutes into our run, it hit me… jubilation! There is nothing like a run on the trails (even if it’s slow) to turn your mood around. By the time we returned to our car (40 minutes later) I thought to myself, this is why I left web design to join the fitness industry… because I want everyone to feel this good everyday of their lives! A year after I started running, I couldn’t imagine my life any other way! No matter how crappy your day starts out, running has an amazing way to turn your day around… so now I’m ready to start my work day!

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