Harry’s Spring Run-Off race recap

Eric Gillis wins #HSROT in about 24:30ish

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Harry’s Spring Run-Off was quite the site in Toronto’s High Park this morning.

Eric Gillis won the race running a speedy 24:16. Heather Petrick was the first place woman in 28:12. It was the 19-year-old’s first ever road race. After her competitive indoor track season, she wanted to change things up. She says she’s looking to tackle the 10K distance soon.

“I was wanting to mix it up a little,” she said about today’s race. “I didn’t really know what to expect. I just wanted to come out and have some fun after indoors was over.”

Her first 10K is scheduled for next month. After that, she says there’s going to be a bit of experimenting over the next year when it comes to racing.

Second to cross the line today was Matt Loiselle who clocked a 24:38. Behind him was Behanu Degefa finishing in 25:32. In the women’s, Petrick ran a 28:11. Second was Lioudmila Kortchaguina coming in at 28:47. Brittany Moran placed third running 29:15.

For Gillis, he faced an injury this winter and tough training thanks to the weather. He was supposed to run Rotterdam but cancelled. He’s says he’s feeling good about the decision. He’s says it was a good call “that allows me to do fun stuff like this.”

Gillis is looking towards the Yonge Street 10K and Ottawa 10K. For that, Harry’s Spring Run-Off was a good primer. “This is just a good competitive race,” he said. He wasn’t without comment on the course’s famous hill.

“The only time I dislike it is when I’m actually doing it. Otherwise, I love talking about it,” said Gillis.

The 8K ran at 10:00 a.m. in 2C sunny weather. The 5K started at 11:15. If you couldn’t make it, check out full results here and see below for out best shots of the runners.


Women’s winner Heather Petrick after her race.


Men’s winner Eric Gillis chats with media.

Harrison wanting to trade his finisher’s medal for a treat.


The 5K winner rocking headphones.

Proof that the Traxedo is a thing.
We’ll let this one speak for itself.

Kids getting their hill kick on.

His makeup didn’t even run.

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