Suck It Up, Princess

I feel unpatriotic when I complain about our winters… I am fully aware I live in Canada and part of being Canadian is spending six months of the year in the cold… but seriously by the time January rolls around… I’m done with winter… by April I’m soooo over it… because of the sub-zero temperatures today… it was rough to convince myself to run outside… but I did!

When I woke up this morning the sun was shining through the window and I thought to myself  “wow… I can’t wait to go for my 5K run.” In the winter, weekends are usually the only days that I can run outside, so obviously I was really excited about the fact that the weather looked fabulous… that is until I opened the front door and realized it was freakin’ cold outside.

Even though I really enjoy running and am highly addicted to the adrenaline rush… for some reason there are still days when need to convince myself to put my sneakers on and get out the door. Today was one of those days. The little voice in my head said… “the treadmill is boring BUT it’s warm”… “the track is boring BUT there is no ice to navigate around”… “it’s going to be freakin’ cold outside… hmmm AND it’s so toasty warm inside”… but then at one point I just said to myself “suck it up princess” and put on my sub-zero running gear and drove down to the boardwalk.

Usually on Sunday, I am out running by 8am… but this morning I was stalling. I puttered around looking for my running gear… cuddling my kids as they watched cartoons in bed… went on facebook… status by status… I tried to convince myself running outside was what I wanted… not correction… what I needed to do:

In the end… the run felt great (well after the first kilometre). The boardwalk was suprisingly busy with walkers bundled up in parkas shuffling along at a slow pace. It’s kind of what I imagine life would be like in Nunavut… well except we’d have to import tundra, snow and dog sleds.

I didn’t really enjoy the run like I do when the weather is warmer… because usually my mind freely wonders… but today the weather pretty much did consume my thoughts the entire run… but I did finish my 5K. How fast you ask? Well… I’m ashamed to say not even close to my record time of 25.5 mins… I just didn’t have it in me to run straight out today… not in this weather anyway. Maybe tomorrow… on the track.

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