The Ultimate Zone-out

No substance possibly has the type of zone-out you can experience on a good run... today I was so engulfed in thought I ran right by my street and didn't even realize it!

It’s bizarre when you exercise how your brain just zones-out and you temporarily forget about all life’s challenges and positive thoughts just swirl through your mind.

I’m not sure if it’s because my brain is lacking oxygen in order to feed my other muscles or maybe it’s the rhythm of the bad boy beats that is putting me in a trans… but whatever it is… running makes me zone-out… and I love it!

Today my head was in the clouds as I ran through my neighborhood. Hill after hill, I pushed my body beyond it’s comfort zone. The last kilometre of my run happens to be flat and I started to daydream about how amazing it’s going to feel to run my first race in October and what it will be like to see my family and friends faces and hear them cheer me on at the finish line. Even though I haven’t experienced it yet, today a smile crossed my face as I ran because I’m pretty sure I know what it’s going to feel like to be physically exhausted but at the same time completely exhilarated by the achievement. I was so engulfed in these thoughts that I actually passed my street by 50 feet before I realized my run was actually over! Now that… is an ultimate zone out!

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