USADA bans middle-aged recreational runner

kristi-trailsYet another doping story has just hit the news, but this one is a little different than the rest. The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has banned runner Kristi Anderson for 12 months, due to testing positive for a banned substance.

Haven’t heard of Kristi Anderson? That’s probably because the fifty-one year old is not an elite runner. Anderson describes herself as “a middle-aged mom and business owner who loves to run in the mountains.”

Anderson tested positive for dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) after a urine sample at the Pikes Peak Marathon. The standard penalty for such an infraction is a two year ban, but officials reduced it to one year based on the evidence that Anderson was using DHEA in accordance with the wishes of her doctor.

After seeing a doctor for adrenal fatigue and menopausal symptoms, Anderson tested too low for testosterone and estrogen. Her doctor prescribed DHEA to try and raise her hormone levels to an average level. Anderson says that despite taking the DHEA, her levels remain low, so there would not be an competitive edge gained from the drug.

In an interview with Masterstrack, Anderson made it clear that she does not plan on stopping her DHEA use, stating: “I am bewildered as to why USADA would waste their time and resources on me. I take DHEA to support my health and well-being and will continue to take it for those reasons.”

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