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A guide for reflecting on your year in running

How to take stock of your year before getting carried away with setting future goals

trail running Photo by: René-Pierre Normandeau

As the year comes to an end, it’s natural for runners to start thinking about setting goals for next year. We’re big believers in goal setting–but not without first pausing to reflect. Before diving head first into setting goals for the coming year, you should take stock of and celebrate your achievements from the past year. Not only will it help you set realistic goals for the upcoming year, but reflecting on the progress you’ve made will give you a boost of motivation as you gear up for your next training block. Follow these four steps to take stock of your year in running to set yourself up for success in the new year.

Review your running data

This one is for all of the data junkies out there. Take some time to gather your running data from the past year. This includes your race times, distance logs, Strava (if you use it), personal bests and any other relevant metrics. Reviewing this data will give you a clear picture of your progress throughout the year and help you appreciate all the things you achieved this year. 

Strava Spotify
Photo: Lenny Maughan/Strava

Reflect on your achievements

Beyond the numbers, reflect on any personal achievements or triumphs from the past year. Did you conquer a new road distance, or a challenging trail race? Complete your first marathon or half-marathon? Reach a new level of mental or physical toughness? Rehab an injury? Travel to a new place and explore it via running? Or maybe you met someone who had a positive influence on your relationshp with running. Acknowledge these triumphs and be proud of every little accomplishment or positive thing you experienced, no matter how small. (And remember that running is about more than just race results.)

Learn from your setbacks 

Every runner faces setbacks and challenges; it’s how we bounce back that defines our growth. Reflect on any hurdles you encountered during the year—whether it was dealing with injuries, race disappointments or missed training opportunities. Use these experiences to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for overcoming similar hurdles in the future.

training log

Set realistic and meaningful goals for the future

After embracing your year of running, you’ll be better equipped to set goals for the upcoming year. However, ensure your goals are realistic, attainable, and aligned with your passion for running. Aim for a healthy balance between challenging yourself and avoiding burnout. Consider the lessons learned and areas of improvement identified earlier to guide your future goals. Remember, it’s about the journey as much as the destination.


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