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Running robot sets world record

A new world record has been set in Pensacola, Florida for the fastest legged robot. OutRunner, the running robot created by the engineers and scientists of Robots Unlimited has posted paces of approximately 72K/hour on the treadmill and 40K/hour outside. That’s pretty fast for an invention intended to be used in the future as a pace-keeping training tool.

Before one feels too badly about being left in the dust by this futuristic speedster, it is important to note that OutRunner’s design is based on the biomechanics of a human runner. The robot’s legs are spring-loaded in emulation of human muscles and tendons. OutRunner’s legs, however, have the ability to spin all the way around its “hip axis” (think of the Road Runner from “Bugs Bunny” cartoons).

The robot is remote controlled and battery operated, allowing it to run for up to two hours at a pace determined by the controller. Robots Unlimited’s founder and CEO, Sebastien Cotton, Ph.D, has indicated that the company’s goal is to make the robot commercially available for runners to utilize as a pacemaker. Users would set their robot to their desired pace, or a tad faster and then spend their run chasing their robot. One can only imagine the streets filled with morning joggers chasing their personal robots. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi film.

If you’re in the market for a new training partner, you’ll want to keep an eye on Robots Unlimited’s development of this invention. Word is still out on the OutRunner’s quality of conversation and high-fiving ability, so maybe don’t ditch your human running pals yet.

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