Running during hunting season

Red deer

Runners share the trails and forests of Canada with many other outdoor enthusiasts looking to make the most of the seasons and enjoy their recreational activities. Fall in much of the country is hunting season and with that anyone spending time running in conservation areas or on crown land, make sure to remember there may be hunters out during the fall. Consider taking a few extra precautions while out on the trails, for everyone’s safety.

Hunters take precautions while out in the woods, with good reason. The sport is well-regulated and licensed for safety and conservation reasons. This means you, as a runner, can always look up what game is in season and where hunters may be. Check your provincial regulations on what is in season where and the regulations surrounding different game. It varies by province and area.

The most obvious way to avoid any accidents is to pick a different route while the region is open to hunting. There are plenty of trails to run on that are closed to hunting and are probably one of the first options you should consider.

Beyond that, hunters wear bright orange in order to help themselves stand out in the woods. A lot of running gear is already brightly coloured and meant to help you be seen, so it’s a great choice for running during hunting season, though much of it is not the same orange as hunters wear. Many sporting goods stores carry clothing in hunter orange during the fall. Consider a shirt and hat in the bright orange so it can’t be mistaken. On the flip side, avoid earth tones such as dark greens, brown or black. You want to stand out from the surroundings.

Also pick a time of day when hunters are usually not in the woods. Many are there at dawn and dusk. This is also a time when runners like hitting the trails  but, to be on the safe side, moving your long run on Sundays to mid-day during the fall usually isn’t a big deal, considering the other option.

Don’t wear headphones while out in the woods. This is advice that is useful all year, but especially during hunting season. You want to be able to hear others around you while you’re out running, and if you do hear gunshots make yourself known.

It’s important that outdoor sports can share the forests we have in Canada and we’re all trying to enjoy ourselves, so making everyone’s activities safer is always important.

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