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Running together on Valentine’s Day

464584343We runners are fortunate to have a very large and supportive community that routinely come together to celebrate our shared passion for all things running. And yet, for those who do, there is something particularly special about spending time and sharing that experience with your significant other.

Whether it’s training for the same race, travelling to run in a new and exotic place or simply soaking up the aura and atmosphere of where you live, running together with your partner can be an opportunity to strengthen your relationship and share in something that means a lot to you both.

While some running couples do not run together, many others do, and whether you and yours already enjoy the benefits of running together or you’re just thinking of asking that special someone to join you for a run, here are a few tips, rules and advice to make the experience more enjoyable and likely to last.

Run at a comfortable pace

It wouldn’t be fair to ask your partner to pick up their pace and run faster than they normally would. Now is also not the time to attempt a workout and expect your partner to comply. Rather, slow down and enjoy a more relaxed pace that both parties are happy with. Every running speed offers benefits so worry less about your pace and just enjoy the run.

Decide the route and distance together

Rather than find yourself fighting over how far you plan to go, or whether it’s left or right at the lights, decide upon a mutually agreed course before you depart. That way, you can enjoy the run and each other’s company without the stress of making decisions while on the run.

Don’t complain

While you’re at it, try not to use this time to stress over financial or work-related problems, relationship issues or negative aspects of life. Rather, focus on the positive aspects of the day, the run and being together. Don’t expect to carry on a constant conversation. Enjoy and embrace silence and the tranquility of the run.

186470165Leave the headphones and devices at home

Unless you both agree and enjoy using them while running together, leave your music and media at home. Try not to obsess over your GPS or heartrate data either. Again, make this time about the experience and enjoying one another’s company.

Don’t criticize or correct your partner’s form

Unless you’re being constructive and the advice is welcome and appreciated, don’t judge or analyze aspects of form or running technique.

Stick to two

Unless your best friend is the shared family dog, it’s probably not a good idea to invite all your training partners and running buddies. There’s a time and place to run with a group but this is not one of them.

Don’t stop at the door

After your run, take the time to refuel and recover together. Make a protein shake or smoothie and share it. Offer to foam roll or massage your partner’s sore spots. Most importantly, plan your next run together.

Do you run with your significant other? What other tips or advice would you offer for running together?

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