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Top 10 reasons running dads are the best

man pushing stroller with baby1) They probably pushed you in a buggy when you were a toddler.

Those who now have kids of their own know that the amount of effort it takes to push one of those things should not be underestimated.

2) They probably let you bike beside them as a kid.

Just think about it, they let you, the chatty, hopped-up-on-excitement, ball of energy you were, infiltrate their quiet time.

The 100 meter dash3) They encouraged you to start running.

Everyone knows that when you start running, having the support of older, more experienced runners is extremely valuable.

4) They stood on a course for hours to see you go by for just a few seconds.

Whether it was high school cross-country, your first road 10K, half-marathon or full, it’s always a boost to hear dad’s voice from the sidelines

5) They give the best finish line hugs.

You can practically feel the pride squeezing you tight.

6) They let you cry on their shoulder when you’re injured.

Your running dad has probably dealt with the devastation of a running-induced injury and understands how upsetting it is.

7) They have the coolest racing stories.

And if you haven’t heard them before, call up your dad now and ask.

8) They put up with your pre-race nerves.

You know how your leg twitches when you get nervous, or you have to lay out everything you’re taking to the start line the night before, or your need to go over the course map just one last time, annoys other people? Dad deals with it like a champ.

9) When you sneak out for a run on Christmas morning, they’ve got your back.

He’s possibly even winked and shut the door behind you.

10) You can always talk to them about the latest issue of Canadian Running.

You can explain to him why what the person in the Mystyle section is wearing is cool and he can talk about how in his day, there weren’t any of these crazy wrist computer watches. You can both agree you’d love to run the destination race someday.

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