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Running shoe myths debunked


We’ve all heard at least one of these running shoe myths. Here’s the truth about your kicks.

Myth: Rotating between two pairs will extend the life of your shoes

Truth: While having two pairs is a good idea so that you don’t have to slip into shoes that accidentally got wet when you run the next day and rotating between pairs allows time for the foam in the shoe to decompress, rotating between two pairs will not necessarily extend the life of either set of shoes. You should keep track of the amount of mileage you’re running in them as a better gage.

82154Myth: The right shoe will fix my form

Truth: Your form is determined by your head, not your feet. Most running injuries occur when runners are overstriding, that is, taking too long of steps, increasing the impact on joints in the ankles, knees and hips. To avoid injuries with these joints, try aiming for a running cadence of 180 beats per minute, which researchers have determined as optimal for performance. Taking shorter, quicker steps and landing on one’s forefeet are changes that have to happen in the brain.

Myth: All shoes from the same brand are equivalentsAdidas Supernova Glide Boost

Truth: Nowadays, many brands are big enough that they make a range of shoes. So, if you’re asking your significant other to purchase you a pair of kicks for your birthday, give them a brand, style number and size. Rather than just an, “I like Adidas.”

Myth: You have to stick with the same brand for life

Truth: Oftentimes, you’ll hear a runner say, “Oh I only wear (insert shoe company here).” This is likely because one time they walked into a running store and were told by an employee that they recommend (insert shoe company). And runners tend to be loyal (and we like that about them). But, a shoe 82170brand is not a marriage contract and there is no need to be monogamous for life. Play the field and figure out what truly works best for you.

Myth: There is one shoe that is the best

Truth: People come in a variety of shapes and sizes and the shoes that work best for each of them will vary. While we do our best in our shoe reviews to explain the features of each shoe and they type of runner it is meant for, it is ultimately up to the individuals to know what they’re looking for in a shoe and that is a skill that comes with time (and many Ks of practice).

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