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Slow cooker breakfasts to make mornings easier

Omelet with green bean

We all know how tough mornings can be. Mondays mornings especially have a way of getting crazy. Many of us make the effort to get up and run in the a.m. whether or not we’re even morning people at heart. Fitting that run in can often mean there is less time for everything else. And on the days where we add just a couple extra kilometres or took down the pace a notch or two, getting out the door on time can be a real push. Sometimes this can mean that breakfasts are eaten on the go, hastily at the office desk or they simply consist of boring cereal in a bowl.

Slow cooker breakfast however are a real life saver. By literally cooking your breakfast while you sleep, you save time in the morning, ensure you’re eating properly and you don’t have to just go with the boring option to save time. Below are five slow cooker breakfast ideas for the time-pushed runner. We made sure they’re all healthy options too!

Apple butter for toast: Even if you opt for the simple toast slices in the morning, jazzing it up with a homemade apple butter is just the thing to make the morning go right. By making your own, you know it’s not loaded with mystery ingredients.

Broccoli egg breakfast casserole: Don’t have time to make the perfect egg scramble in the morning? Just throw your favourite ingredients into the slow cooker the night before. Put it on low, go to sleep, wake up and eat. It’s almost as good as having breakfast made for you.

Baked apples with granola: Some like this as a dessert option but it works just as well as a breakfast food. Waking up to a warm baked apple with a cup of coffee on a nice fall morning is just the thing to start to day of right.

Slow cooker veggie omelette: Yes you can make an omelette in the slow cooker. It won’t come out neatly folded but served up in nice slices, this is one of the most appetizing meals you could possibly wake up to in the morning.

Blueberry pecan oatmeal: Oatmeal isn’t overly complicated to make but waking up knowing that breakfast is already waiting is really a pleasant feeling. This recipe made with steel cut oats is also a healthy choice that will fuel you as you work through the morning.

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