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When wine and racing come together

The "Glory Days"
The “Glory Days”

No, this is not a post about a new event: The Wine Mile. Although now that I’ve retired from the Beer Mile that could be something to consider…

I’m writing about that moment when you relax with a glass of wine or two and you happen to be online and suddenly your attention is seized by an upcoming race. This exact situation happened to me earlier this week. I somehow got onto the nationals cross-country site, and all of a sudden I’m looking at the date and location and list of runners.

If I had had no wine, my thought process would have played out like this:

“Wow, those girls are tough. I remember cross-country. That was a long time ago and it never didn’t hurt. It was always cold, hilly, long, painful and exhausting. I wonder if I’ll ever race cross-country again? Probably not. Anyway, this is nationals and I’m not in shape for cross-country. Also it’s in a different city which is logistically difficult. I’ll be sure to check the results though– looks like it’ll be a good race.”

However, like I mentioned, I happened to land on this page while sipping my second glass. So my thought process was more like this:

“Wow! Nationals! Exciting! Look who’s racing! I want to be a part of the action. And it’s not even that far away. I deserve a night away from the kids. Also, I’m super tough. What if I ran and had a great race and totally surprise myself and everyone else? What if I go and do really well out of nowhere? It could totally happen. Awe, remember the glory days of cross-country? It was so much fun! I’m totally doing it.”

The next morning, my enthusiasm for racing cross-country wasn’t nearly as strong. I did remember the feelings of excitement I’d had the night before though. I mentioned the idea in passing to a few people. But in a non-committal “I had this crazy thought the other day,” kind of way.

Strangely though, everyone who I brought it up to thought that I should do it. It’s possible that I need a new advisory board since they come to the same conclusion as I do after having drank two glasses of wine.

It’s too late to argue though. I registered. I’m doing it.

I’d love to say I’m excited and ready to go. In reality though, I’m slightly terrified and dreading it. Deep down though, I know I want to do it.

That said, I think I’ll stay away from race sites next time I’m in a wine-drinking mood.

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