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Runner experience: “Running is best when it contributes to my mental wellness”

Amanda Bond came upon running during a time when she was dealing with depression and anxiety. Many others share a similar experience of how they came to love the lifestyle. This fall, she raced at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon but she says her running is the most valuable when it adds to her mental wellbeing.

sidewalk in town with sunset light, shallow focus

As told to Sinead Mulhern

I got into running when I was a kid. My dad was a marathon runner and he became my inspiration. He cheered me on at races and when I increased my distance, I ran with him. Later, I got him hooked on trail running. When I became an adult though, I took a long break from running.

For a period, I dealt with anxiety and an eating disorder. Actually, I’ve had anxiety for as long as I remember but I thought I was just too sensitive. In high school, I developed a poor self image and I was battling depression. I started missing classes and though my grades didn’t suffer, teachers warned me that there would be consequences for poor attendance. I continued the pattern into university: skipping class, feeling badly about it, doing it again, feeling even worse. By my last year of school, I started restricting my diet and ended up losing a lot of weight. Cutting back on food preoccupied a lot of my thoughts. It was a way of managing myself and I developed anorexia.

amanda_bond2Until that point, my mental health issues had gone undiagnosed but with the physical symptoms of anorexia, I realized I had an illness. I sought help working with a counsellor at my school and began to realize that my eating disorder was a way for me to control aspects of life. Graduation quickly approached and while I felt a lot better and my behaviour had improved, the anxiety and depression remained.

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I started working as a teacher but it was only a matter of time before my eating disorder resurfaced. I knew that anxiety was behind it. At one point, I was in a teaching program working with an assistant all day. I started running at lunch to get time alone because without that time to recharge, my anxiety would build. It was at that point when I fell in love with running. It became my therapy.

I coupled my running with yoga and that worked so well for me. I signed up for a marathon and I just loved the process of training for it– building up my strength, mileage and endurance. Running was great and I absolutely loved it. The thing is though, that it can easily become a burden or an obligation when life gets busy.

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While working as a special education teacher, I was also brought in to support four other classes and then help with high school transitions. I became overwhelmed. Even though I had loved running, it felt like it was another thing on my to-do list. I was coming home from work and going to bed and then laying awake worrying. When I started drinking and self-harming to cope, I knew I needed medication. I got medical help to quit these behaviours. I did so successfully.

I continue to work with a doctor regularly and I’ve stopped my harmful tendencies. My idea of happiness now is self acceptance. I am glad I have come back to running and I run a lot and now. When running gets hard, I consult my dad just like I used to. My running has taken a lot of forms over the years from working with a coach to running ultras to running for therapy to running just to complete the distance. I will say that I feel like I’m at my best as a runner when what I’m doing feels new. Furthermore, running is best for me when it contributes to my mental wellness.

The thing I admire most about the running community is that there are all types out there doing their own thing regardless of judgment. I admire when we can foster community in our sport in a way that’s respectful and inclusive. I admire when we build each other up, even in competition.


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