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WIDEped disappointment (plus get a pair of free shoes)

This week Evil Orthotics Man dealt me another blow. He took one look at my black toes and gently suggested it’s time I move onto a “wide” sneaker.

Please forgive me for the long break between blog posts. I have been busy mourning the loss of my Asics.

Yes, this week Evil Orthotics Man dealt me another blow. He took one look at my black toes and gently suggested it’s time I move onto a “wide” sneaker.

What? Did he just call me fat?

With that little comment, a more-than-eight-year loving and supportive relationship with a caring, sensitive and good-looking… um, well, shoe, came to an abrupt and traumatic end.

You see, as it turns out, pregnancy doesn’t just widen your belly, it also works its’ magic on your feet. Magic that, according to the increasingly unpopular Evil Orthotics Man, is irreversible.  Now I think about it, it seems the only things that actually narrow with pregnancy, are doorways.

So, it was with a heavy heart that I dragged myself into my local running store, slumped onto its deceptively uncomfortable bench and whispered, “Do you sell plus-sized shoes?”

On the bright side, it turns out that they do – and a lot of them (albeit they are hidden behind a curtain in the back of the store). After trying out several pairs, I settled on the Brooks Adrenaline D-width (aka the shoe for over-pronators with fat feet) and so far so good. I’ve had some very comfy runs and even managed 20 minutes with my newly tweaked orthotics (a step up from the previous attempt where I managed two). So it looks like I just might survive this casualty after all.

But here’s the thing: I loved my Asics. I mean, I really loved my Asics. So much so that whenever or wherever I saw them on sale I would stock up on multiple pairs.

That brings me to the brand-new pair of size-10 2150s that has taken up residence in the back of my closet next to the skinny jeans.  It just isn’t right to neglect them like this. They need a new mate. So, the first person who fits these shoes and can guarantee them a good home and e-mails me will get them – free! Game on.

In the meantime, I am considering cosmetic surgery for my feet.  Does pedoplasty even exist? I’m considering going to this guy who already does some weird surgery.  At least if he doesn’t make my feet work better, they might come out looking like tidy vaginas.

In other news, my new running group starts tomorrow night. I recently got an e-mail from the group leader expressing his enthusiasm, saying how awesome it’s going to be, especially if I want to improve my speed. The reason?  Many of the group members are already focused on speed. They want to improve on their Boston Marathon PBs! Yikes – as my faithful readers know, I have to cut 45 minutes off my marathon PB to just to qualify for that race.  Not quite sure what I’ve gotten myself into, but I’ll be sure to let you know.

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