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14 ways that running can improve your love and relationships

In celebration of February 14th (i.e. Valentine's Day), here are 14 ways that running is good for your relationships

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Running offers a lot of benefits–some more obvious than others. Here are 14 ways that it can help in the love and relationship department…

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1. Running improves all aspects of your health. Loving others begins with loving yourself and whether for physical, emotional/mental or social health benefits, running improves all aspects of your health and well-being making you better suited to put forth the best version of yourself.

2. It also boosts your fitness. If being in great shape is important to you (or your partner), there’s no better way to stay in top shape than logging a few miles every week, perhaps together with your partner.

3. Increased self-confidence. In addition to the physical health and fitness benefits, running can also improve your self-confidence, -esteem and -efficacy which most consider essential qualities when it comes to being successful in relationships.

4. Running improves your physical appearance and body image. Whether it’s losing weight, developing lean muscle mass or just shaping up, running is an ideal workout for crafting a better-looking body and feeling good about the body you’re in.

5. Helps you to meet new people. One of the underrated aspects of being a runner is all the amazing people you meet in the running community. Perhaps one of those people could be that one special someone you’re looking for?

6. Running clubs, crews and training groups. A local running group might just be the perfect place to interact with those who share your interest and get to know someone well enough to hit it off.


7. Running boosts endorphins as well as serotonin and dopamine. Endorphins are chemicals that are associated with the runner’s high while neurotransmitters serotonin–promotes happiness and well-being–and dopamine–causes excitement and arousal–can all contribute to ‘being in the mood.’

8. A run is a unique (albeit risky) idea for a date. If the dating scene is getting stale and your newest interest shares your passion for running, why not suggest a fun 5K run around your favourite park or a 30-minute run exploring the city.

9. It’s also an effective way for partners to solve relationship problems. All couples argue from time to time and don’t always get along. A solitary run or running in general can be an effective way for individuals in a loving, long-term relationship to work out stress, blow off steam, come up with solutions or just escape (temporarily) from an argument long enough to kick-start the make-up process.

10. Running is an aphrodisiac. Short bouts of moderate-intensity exercise are shown to temporarily boost one’s libido and get one in the mood.

11. Improves heart health and increases the body’s circulation and blood flow. Including to the nether regions where it is needed for certain… cross-training activities.

12. Boosts mood and alleviates anxiety and depression. Another powerful effect of running is its ability to improve one’s mood and moderate/dampen anxiety and depression symptoms.


13. An excuse to indulge. Whether it’s salty snacks, savoury sweets or a fancy bottle of wine, running provides a guilt-free excuse to enjoy a few extra calories, including all the chocolate and candy you’ll consume around this time.

14. Running will always be there for you. Through the good times and the bad, the highs and the lows, the successes and the failures, running is something you can always count on and can be a reliable and consistent source of health and happiness in your life.

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