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Quick strength: Lunges for perfect running

All you have to do is watch and then follow.

Become the strongest and most efficient runner you can possibly be. Runners are notorious for neglecting any physical activity that doesn’t come naturally. (Read: you ignore your strength work!) Simple strength and toning exercises added in on a rest day or after a workout will work wonders on your form in the long run. 

To demystify the whole strength workout, we’ve spent some time with Brittany Moran of the Runner’s Academy to create a video series of essential exercises. Following along couldn’t be more easy. 

First up: the lunge to high step. 

Why runners want to do it: Include this one in your fitness routine to work on leg muscles necessary for running and develop a better, stronger and more efficient stride. One tip: as Moran mentions, don’t do this on a quality day of running– in other words don’t tire your muscles out right before those sets of hard intervals. 

Step it up: Add a weight or medicine ball to add an extra challenge. 


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