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Five pump-up songs one body positive personal trainer recommends for your ears

Sometimes, our inner DJ gets a little worn out. When that's happens, consider Louise Green's workout playlist to revamp your run

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Music choice can have so much of an impact on your run or workout. For those who need to crank the tunes before knocking out some fast kilometres, getting the right playlist to put you in the right head space is everything. Where some runners head out to bask in the total silence, others need that 180 BPM in order to fall into step. Sometimes though, our inner DJ gets a little worn out. If the playlists are losing their luster, consider the five favourite anthems of Louise Green. Green an all-rounder athlete, founder of Body Exchange and author of Big Fit Girl, is a powerhouse who empowers others with her workout tips and body positive messages. As it turns out, she’s got great taste in running music too. Below, her top five song recommendations from her book. 

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“Can’t Stop The Feeling”

Justin Timberlake

“Lose Yourself” 


“Love Me Again”

John Newman

“The Edge of Glory”

Lady Gaga

 “Wild Ones”

Flo Rida ft. Sia

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