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Running gear you don’t need

Running products you can take a pass on

confused runner

Certain running products can really make a run. Things like proper nutrition, hydration products, great shoes and technical clothing are all important aspects of a successful run, but there are a few products on the market that you can take a pass on.

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Really expensive clothing


With clothes, you usually get what you pay for, but this rule of thumb is only true within reason. If $453 running shorts aren’t fancy, then we don’t know what is. Satisfy, a running apparel company based out of Paris, is looking to give runners a zero-distraction product. Zero distractions while running is ideal, but we’re not sure it’s worth quite so much money.

Pickle and beet juice

Pickles and beets are great for you and two foods runners should consider including in their diets, but they don’t need to be paying the bug bucks for artisanal-juice versions of these foods. Beets were huge several years ago, with many runners ordering expensive shots of beet juice to naturally boost performance. The hype has since died down, and new studies have found that beets aren’t as performance-boosting as was once thought.

While they’re a great dietary staple, a runner doesn’t need to pay the big bucks for a shot version of the product.

Pickle juice was also very popular as a hydration product. While salt is a key ingredient in a runner’s diet, especially through the summer months when sweating is at a high, putting pickle juice in your water bottle isn’t the only way to keep cramping and dehydration at bay.

Running poles

Photo: Gareth Williams

Some successful mountain, trail, and ultrarunners never use poles. They say it can distract them from focusing on all the elements that come with trail running. One of these elements is fuelling properly. Remember, if you’re using poles, you still need to use your hands to eat. Don’t let the poles distract you from consuming calories.

Five finger shoes

Remember the Vibram Five Finger shoes, also known as, ‘toe shoes’? These are something a runner certainly doesn’t need, but can still be found on running paths around the world. The company was the target of a class action lawsuit for overstating the health benefits of wearing the shoes. They eventually agreed to pay out US$3.75 million to complainants.

Another shoe that can be passed on are the spring-loaded Enko running shoes–the most complicated shoes we’ve ever seen.

Elevation training masks

Elevation training masks are designed to simulate altitude training while at sea level. Studies have yielded very inconclusive results on the masks, especially when worn inconsistently. If you’re really interested in altitude training but can’t head to Flagstaff for a month, try setting up an altitude tent and pass on the mask.


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