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Test your speed and endurance with this one-minute interval workout

Short intervals with short rest can help you become a faster, stronger runner

Looking for a workout that will test both your speed and your endurance? Look no further than the one-minute interval workout. This simple and straightforward session is deceptively hard, even for experienced runners, and will help you become stronger and faster.

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The idea behind this workout is simple: run hard for one minute followed by one minute of easy jogging, and repeat. Since the intervals are short, you’re able to run them at a faster pace, but the short rest will still challenge your endurance and strength. The goal pace for each interval should be 10K to 5K pace, and you should aim to get gradually faster throughout the workout. Because the intervals are short, you might be tempted to run the first three or four repeats at a much faster pace, but the key to doing this workout properly is managing your speed in the early intervals so that you’re able to pick up the pace as you near the end. Ideally, you do at least 10 to 12 sets of one minute on, one minute off, but if you’re training for a longer distance, you should work your way up to doing 15 or more sets.

The workout

Warmup: 15-20 minutes easy jogging, followed by mobility work and strides.

Workout: 12 x (1 min hard/1 min slow jog); add more intervals if training for a longer race.

Cooldown: 10-15 minutes easy jogging, followed by light stretching.

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