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4 easy mobility exercises to loosen your hips

Alleviate hip tightness with this 10-minute mobility routine

Are you trying to train but finding your hips are tight? Sitting for prolonged periods is the number one cause of hip pain, and not stretching or exercising these muscles can only lead to injuries. When running, the core and hips are your centres of gravity, and it’s where your body generates power and strength. If you suffer from tightness in your hip flexors or are recovering from an injury, you’ll benefit from these four hip flexor exercises.

person on yoga mat in child's pose
Photo: Unsplash/ConciousDesign

1) Child’s pose

Beginning with the child’s pose is a great way to start any hip-stretching sequence. The purpose of the exercise is to gently stretch the hips, thighs and back, which helps to decrease stress and tension. (This is also called the prayer stretch.)

You do this pose by kneeling and bringing the inside of your left and right foot together. If you cannot touch your big toes due to knee problems or tight hips, you can still do the pose by bringing your heels together. Once you are in the position, lean forward and allow gravity to pull your body forward toward the floor.

(Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds)

2) Lizard pose

This pose is a great way to stretch your hamstrings, hip flexors, and quadriceps. Strengthening these muscle groups will help you maintain a full range of motion, which is ideal for running. This exercise is meant to be a slow, deep, hip-opening stretch that can help alleviate lower back pain or sciatica.

To start this exercise, step back with one leg and bend the front knee and lower the back knee till you feel a stretch in your hip flexor. Lower your hips, and bring them toward each other by engaging your core. Stretch your lower back and spine by pushing your chest up.

(Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds on each side)

3) Supine figure-4 stretch

This exercise targets the muscles on the outside of your hips. These gluteal muscles aid in hip movement, stabilization, and mobility.

Start this exercise by lying on your back and bringing the sole of your foot as close to the opposite thigh as possible. Keep your feet flexed and active with your lower back flat on the floor. Using both hands, grab the back of your thigh and slowly drive your thigh toward your core. Feel the stretch in your glutes and hips.

(Hold the pose for 30 seconds on each side)

4) Bound angle pose/Butterfly

This is a beginner mobility exercise for your hips and lower back; there are ways to push yourself for a deeper stretch. 

Start by sitting on the ground, bring the soles of your feet together and keep your back straight. Wrap your hands around your big toe and use your elbows to gently press your knees to the floor. Try to maintain a straight back as you fold forward over your feet. If you are wanting a deeper stretch, slightly lean your body forward at the hips toward your feet.

(Hold the pose a couple of times for 20 to 30 seconds)

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