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You’ve heard the expression that there’s an Olympian in all of us, well last week I left a bit of me on a bunch of Olympians

Candy is the scariest thing about Halloween – besides the under-dressed 15-year-olds with pillowcases, that is. I’m so stuffed with Snickers, someone will surely hang me under a tree surrounded by blindfolded kids with sticks.

“Daddy – why is our pinata wearing sweatpants?”

Speaking of sweat, apparently women are less efficient than men at sweating. Yes, your grandmother was right, women don’t sweat, they glow.  Tell that to a good proportion of the Canadian Olympic team, because I glowed all over them last week.

Oh yes, it’s true. Olympians Joanne Rochette and Alexandre Bilodeau presented the medals to finishers of the Audi Best Buddies challenge last week in Toronto. A mix up meant Joannie put a 5K medal around my neck and Alexandre exchanged it for a 10K one. And let me tell you, those guys are probably still trying to wash off my, er, Olympic spirit – because I forgot all about my waves of glowiness and held them tight for photos.  Hmm, smells like teen spirit.

(Okay so it was raining too – here’s me and Alexandre)

Speaking of spirit, the super star of the race was my sister-in-law Peggy, for whom 10K was precisely double her longest ever distance.  At the start line I thought we were in for an excruciating second half (which happens to be pretty much straight uphill). But Peggy didn’t complain and ran up all the hills.  We were doing 4 and 1s throughout, but she pulled it out for the last kilometre, not stopping once.  Upon reflection, I think she was maybe trying to get away from me, but I’d have cheered for her if she did.

On the subject of cheers – and the Olympics –  it was a huge buzz when soon-to-be Olympian Reid Coolsaet actually cheered for me as he sauntered by mid-race with the CEO of Audi. I wish I could say I was lapping him, but the truth is I was en route to the port-o-potties…so I just tried to do it with style.

Until next time, dear reader. There is a Princess-Batman-Vampire at the door.

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