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Running Resolution

New runner Lynn Jones looks to May for her first marathon.

“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” – Napoleon Hill quotes (American author, 1883-1970)

The New Year is looked at as a good time to evaluate and often to make resolutions or positive changes. One Canadian runner I have the chance to have talked with has already made a change and transformation, but is looking for more. This is Lynn’s story, her resolution and her journey towards her first marathon.

New runner Lynn Jones. Photo: Lynn Jones.
New runner Lynn Jones. Photo: Lynn Jones.

Lynn Jones

Lynn is an attractive 34 year-old female, the third oldest of 8 kids from Prince Edward Island. She is social, friendly and always seems to have a smile. Lynn is one of the lucky few who not only has a job but one she loves – working youth at risk in the community. She is also an active volunteer in the community and major promoter of people making healthy lifestyle changes. Lynn’s passion for promotion of change comes from a personal experience.

Lynn and her siblings grew up watching her father run. He was a marathon runner and his kids were his cheering section along the race routes. When young she loved running cross country and track during her school years. After high school with life and career decisions to be made, running fell to the wayside. Life moved quickly and Lynn moved away like may east coasters to find work. In Ontario and dealing with the stress of work and relationships, she no longer had time for exercising or eating properly and no longer had her positive active family and friends around. At one point Lynn found herself looking at scale that was telling her she was climbing over 290 pounds.

Running and Transformation

“I love a challenge, and never back down from one.” – Lynn Jones.

Lynn had a challenge and a desire to get back to a healthier, active version of the person she had become. Two attempts at joining Running Room Learn to Run programs when living in Ontario ended after day one on each occasion because Lynn says she felt so anxious and embarrassed.

Life finally returned Lynn to the Island (PEI) and this is when her desire to run and change finally began. Running started in September 2010 along with weight training. At first the running was more walking than running but progressed one minute at a time. Achieving a huge goal for her, Lynn was running 30-minutes non-stop by that Christmas.

Lynn finishing her first half marathon. Photo: Lynn Jones.
Lynn finishing her first half marathon. Photo: Lynn Jones.

Lynn focused on getting stronger and working on endurance before speed. At first there was no real training schedule other than making sure to get a few runs in a week in addition to visits to the gym. In 2012 things changed when she decided to train for her first half marathon in Montague, PEI.

“I decided 7 weeks prior to this run that I was going to do it, as I would be reaching my goal weight loss around the same time, and it felt right. My cousin Cherie who had been battling cancer had been a main source of my inspiration to keep on going when I didn’t think I could do it. I never missed a training day once in those 7 weeks and I was more than ready by race day.”

New Year’s Resolution

Lynn has continued to run and to challenge herself. She has set herself a goal, a resolution to run her first full marathon in May. Lynn will be running the Bluenose marathon in Halifax, NS with her youngest sister. “I have no idea what sort of time to expect I may finish it in, but I think my goal is going to be just to finish and have all body parts intact.”

“My sisters, cousins, coworkers, and fellow runners, are a major source of my motivation to keep running. Recently joined the West Prince Running Club so it keeps me on my toes and I practice running more with others, as running is typically something I prefer to do on my own.”

Along with running a marathon Lynn wants to get over my fear of running in races, and to become an active runner in weekly road races of various distances throughout the year.

“I Love working out, especially running, as it is my happy place, and how I best release stress, and do my best thinking.” – Lynn Jones.

Resolutions at the start of a new year often never materialize as there is not the needed will power, plan or motivation. Then there are those who have battled and who not only achieve but inspire others. Lynn you are an inspiration and welcome to the Canadian running community. Run on Lynn and good luck in May.

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