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Weight loss: 7 ways for runners to bust through plateaus

If you're looking for an extra edge to crack through weight-loss plateaus, here are some tips from Michelle Kempton, who lost about 120 pounds since taking up running.

Weight loss runnersWeight loss plateaus are very common among runners who are trying to burn off some pounds. Remember, though, if you’re running and eating healthy food, then you’re becoming healthier, regardless of what the scale says. But if you’re looking for an extra edge to crack through weight loss plateaus, here are some tips from Michelle Kempton, who lost about 120 pounds since taking up running.


1. Change your workout routine

If you’ve been sticking to the same workout schedule and intensity for a while in your weight loss plan, then you need to kick-start your metabolism again by trying new forms of exercise. Try running some intervals – short bursts of faster running  – and work in some cross training.

2. Weight train

Rainie Williams, owner of Nu Days Fitness Studio in East Preston, N.S., suggests runners incorporate weights into their race training. But even then, he explains, “Weight training also requires a rest period. On your six-week training cycle, take a week off and incorporate a total body routine, using just your body weight, which exercises such as leaping lunges, explosive squats, chin-ups, box jumps and pushups.”

3. Don’t overtrain

Maybe you have a rigorous cross-training routine and are eating well, but still finding yourself in a weight-loss wall. Believe it or not, there is actually such a thing as overtraining. Your body needs recovery and rest time.

4. Limit your portions

Even though you are eating healthy food, be careful with the portions – you might still be consuming too many calories. To lose weight, you need to burn more than you consume and there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, even healthy food. Portion control is key.

5. Get your vitamins and minerals

If your body isn’t fortified with all the vitamins and minerals that it needs, this can impede weight loss. Food cravings and lack of energy could be a sign that something is missing in your diet. Of course, there is no better vitamin and mineral source than real food, but supplements can help top up on what you are missing.

6. Don’t stress it

Stress can be a contributing factor towards a weight-loss plateau, too. We all have stress in our lives, but you need to be able to manage it. Yoga classes can help you to decompress, while also strengthening your core and body.

7. Sleep

Are you getting 7–8 hours of sleep every night? Not getting enough sleep can have a major impact on your weight loss.

Portions of this article appeared in the Nov/Dec 2010 issue of Canadian Running.

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