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Book review: The terrible and wonderful reasons why I run long distances

bookThe Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances

The Oatmeal (Matthew Inman)

Andrews McMeel Publishing

Why do we run? This is a deeply personal question. The answer is different for every runner, and the answer isn’t always easy to find. Matthew Inman, the author behind the popular online comic The Oatmeal, explains why he runs in his latest comic collection The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances. A former fat kid who hated gym class, Inman took up running about a decade ago to get fit. He now regularly runs ultramarathons. Running has become an integral part of his life and he does his best to explain why in this quick but entertaining read.

The book is a collection of comics, some new, some which have already been published online. Most look at Inman’s running journey. Some look at gym culture, Inman’s love of food and Japanese giant hornets (really). Others offer tongue-in-cheek advice to aspiring runners. All are written with the same energy and wit that has made Inman so popular online. It’s a pleasure to read – fresh, accessible, insightful and original.

What is clear throughout the book is how much running does for Inman’s mental health. Running gives Inman peace and clarity he hasn’t been able to find elsewhere. It also gives him time to conjure up and process his comics. He’s haunted by a disgusting little creature he calls “The Blerch” who follows him around and taunts him with promises that food, sleep and televi- sion are more fulfilling options. Inman constantly fights back, and must choose to run every single time. For him, it’s not easy, but it’s necessary.

Inman is very clear that this book is about his journey. He stays away from generalizations but the takeaways are obvious and helpful: being a runner is an ever-evolving, ever-challenging process and why you run doesn’t matter. What matters is that you keep putting on your running shoes and keep stepping out the door. For Inman, running is better than not running, even when running is absolute hell. That’s something every runner should be able to relate to.

-Erin Balser


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