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4 reasons to try a winter race this year

Who says you have to wait til spring for your next race?

Santa race Photo by: Maxine Gravina

Winter can be a challenging season for runners. With cold temperatures, icy conditions and fewer daylight hours, it can be tough to motivate yourself to go for a run. If you’re struggling to push yourself out the door, putting a winter race on the calendar might be just the thing to inspire you to lace up your shoes. While you may not run your fastest times in the winter, there’s nothing quite like toeing the line in the snow with your fellow runners to give you a boost during the long, cold winter months. Not convinced? Here are four reasons why you should add a winter race to your schedule.

A unique experience

Running a winter race will offer a different experience compared to running a race in the spring, summer or fall. You’ll get to see the beauty of winter and experience the unique atmosphere of a winter race. As a bonus, many winter races have festive themes and decorations, making for an even more fun environment.

Melanie DesAutels running in winter
Photo: Melanie DesAutels

Conditions to challenge you

Running a winter race means facing challenging conditions like snow, ice, and cold temperatures. While this may seem more like a reason not to run a winter race, conditions like these can make the race even more rewarding. Runner’s high mixed with the accomplishment of conquering Mother Nature? Sign us up. 

No pressure

Winter races provide an opportunity to relax and have fun with your race without the pressure of performance. When you’re battling wind, snow, ice and freezing temperatures, it’s unlikely that you’re going to run your fastest time. The solution? Don’t worry about a PB. Just push yourself as much as you can on the day, and enjoy the experience. 

Winterman Marathon
Photo: Instagram/@swimbikerunkat_

Training motivation

As we already mentioned, signing up for a winter race can be a great motivation to stick to your training during the cold months. Knowing you have a race coming up can push you to get out and run, even when you may not feel like it.

Winter races in Canada

Holly Jolly Fun Run – Toronto (5K), Nov. 26

The New Year’s Run – Winnipeg (5K), Jan. 1

Race for Warmth – Vancouver (10K, 5K), Jan. 28

Photo: Maxine Gravina

Hypothermic Half – multiple cities across Canada, Jan./Feb.

The Deadcold Run – Calgary (21K, 10K, 5K, 1K), Feb. 4

Embrace Winter Run – Ottawa (marathon, half-marathon, 10K, 5K), Feb. 18

Chilly Half Marathon – Burlington, Ont., March 3

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