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Hoping to get faster this fall? This interval workout will do the trick

This short, effective interval session will help you smash your PB

Man in orange runing

Summer is coming to a close, and as the temperatures begin to drop, it’s time to turn up the heat in your workouts. Speedwork is important, whether you’re training for your first 5K or your 10th marathon, so give this 90/60/30 workout a try. It may look easy on the surface, but it’s an opportunity to really push yourself and turn the speedometer up a notch.

person running at dusk
Photo: Lucas Favre


The idea behind this workout is to get faster as the intervals get shorter. That doesn’t mean you start off slow (the longest interval is only 90 seconds, after all), but you should pace yourself so you have something left in the tank and really pour it on for the 30-second interval. This is a timed workout, but for those of you who aren’t ready to give up your summer track sessions, you can easily turn this into a 400m/200m/100m workout.

The workout

Warmup: 15-20 minute easy jog

Workout: three or four sets of: 90 seconds hard/90 seconds easy/60 seconds hard/60 seconds easy/30 seconds hard/90 seconds easy)

Cooldown: 10-15 minute easy jog, followed by light stretching

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