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Picking your running podcasts

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If you’re sick of the same tunes in your ears on every run the first thought would be to change up your playlist, but another option is to think about making a switch to listening to podcasts during runs.

There are plenty of excellent podcasts to choose from today, some strictly served online but also most radio shows are available online whenever you want. What you pick will be partially dictated by your interests, but don’t think that since you don’t already find a subject interesting it can’t make a great option for long run listening. Some of the most popular podcasts are so successful because they present listeners with topics they didn’t realize could be so interesting.

You’ll need to think about length or you may find yourself running longer than you’d planned – some of the podcasts are that engrossing. Still, this works well, as a lot if podcasts come in at similar lengths to what most people like to run, in the 30 minutes to an hour range.

One of the great things about podcasts is that they generally don’t require any sort of initial investment to get into. Unlike a lot of television shows, you can often start listening at any point. There’s not a need to start at the beginning.

We’ve put together a short list of some of the favourites from the Canadian Running office, ones we listen to on our runs and talk about in the office, organized loosely by length.

Short (30 minutes or shorter)

Planet Money  – These are short, 15-minute podcasts about all things money, prefect for binge listening. Before you write the subject off as not your thing, like most NPR projects, it’s presented in manageable, interesting chunks. The series is a spin-off of This American Life. It started after the financial crisis of 2008. Though many are somewhat timely, just as many aren’t.

Serial  – This newest hit podcast couldn’t get left off the list. Though only 30 minutes each, it will make you wish you were running longer. Unlike most of the suggestions on this list, the series needs to be listened to from start to finish. It’s an in-depth nonfiction story. The storytelling is gripping and the podcast found itself in the top iTunes spot even before launching. There’s only one season, but a second is in the making.

StartUp – Less known than some of the other shows headed by former NPR hosts, StartUp follows a podcast host as he starts his own podcasting company, answering the questions not usually asked. Taping everything from intimate conversations with family to business deals with investors, the show offers a unique look at the oddities of opening a business. Each episode runs about 30 minutes, though they can vary.


Political Gabfest – Somewhere in the range of 40 to 50 minutes, the length makes this perfect for an easy run. Slate’s politics and current issues show is a smart way to keep on top of tough topics. The podcast is reasonably timely and a months-old taping may no longer be relevant, but they won’t go out of fashion so quick that missing an episode means you can’t listen.


The Partially Examined Life – An in-depth philosophy podcast for those who aren’t philosophers. The hosts know what they’re talking about but that doesn’t mean you need to. They make the subject understandable. These are great for long runs as most are upwards of 90 minutes, some nearing two hours, and let you get pretty into the subject while you’re out running on your own.

You Are Not So Smart – A podcast that grew out of a blog, it can range in length from 30 to 90 minutes, but the most interesting are the longer episodes. It covers a range of topics related to social biases, exposing your flaws but somehow also making you feel smarter once it wraps up. None of the episodes are dependent on current topics, so they can be listened to in any order on any date. Many of the episodes also involve cookies, which is a nice bonus.

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