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Tips to keep the runner’s laundry hamper from overflowing


If you’re constantly running, chances are you spend much of your time covered in sweat. So do your clothes. If you’re a normal runner, you probably wish you were spending more time on the run than at the laundromat. Yet for active people, it seems that workout clothes only stay clean for a matter of hours before they are in the hamper again. That’s why we’ve come up with these tips to help you avoid the laundromat until it’s actually necessary.

Hang it up right away

Get in from a run and instead of tearing off your gear and throwing it on your floor, hang it up. Let it air out and dry. Don’t give it a chance to grow mildew or disgusting bacteria. Your best option is to hang it outside so that it has that nice summery smell when you bring it in.

Hand washing in plastic bowl

Kick it old school: Hand wash

If you’ve been out for a few runs in the week but laundry day isn’t on the schedule for another few days, fill a basin with soapy water and hand wash. It’s what people did before there were washing machines. Make sure to rinse gear out thoroughly so fabric doesn’t feel stiff and greasy with dried detergent. This is a tip that runners could use regularly as it doesn’t take very long.

Bring in the back-up gear

OK yes it’s preferable to run in your favourite brands and new gear all the time but that’s not always realistic. It’s OK to use those old race T-shirts that you don’t like every once in awhile.

Soak it

Fill a bucket or basin of water and add in baking soda. Let gear soak to get out those extra gross smells that seem to have been lingering. This is a tip to make sure it’s extra clean when you do get around to laundry day. If it doesn’t work, that top or pair of shorts might be beyond saving.

Bring it in the shower

Why wash your body and clothing separately when you can do both at the same time? This is a thing that people do. Go for a run. Get home. Get in the shower before taking your clothes off. (Take your shoes off.) Hang it up halfway through the shower. Think this is weird? People do this and it’s also more clean than our next serious tip.


Don’t even bother

Don’t wash your clothes. Just don’t bother, they can wait until your schedule clears and you overload your washing machine. Many runners justify this one because if you’re a regular runner, the laundry is just too constant to keep up. Let’s be real, there are better things to do in life than laundry.

Chances are, you already do this so don’t act surprised to hear this tip. If not, don’t be a snob. Running is a sport that involves many gross things.




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