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The Shakeout Podcast: Marathon Stories from Brianne Theisen-Eaton and Michal Kapral

We are in the thick of fall marathon season. We chat with Brianne Theisen-Eaton about running her first marathon and Michal Kapral about his Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon joggling fail.

Brianne Theisen-Eaton

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This week we speak to two athletes who juggle multiple events. Canadian Olympian in the heptathlon, Brianne Theisen-Eaton, recently ran in the Chicago Marathon. We chat about her first experience of running a marathon and what’s next for her after her move to San Francisco. 



READ MORE: Olympic bronze medallist Brianne Theisen-Eaton breaks 4 hours in debut marathon

We also chat with Michal Kapral, the world record holder in the three-ball joggling marathon and half-marathon. Last weekend at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, he attempted to run the marathon while juggling five balls. We find out where things went wrong and what pushes him to continue joggling. 

Michal Kapral
Photo via Canada Running Series/Astrodog Media.


READ MORE: Joggling a marathon with five balls is painful to watch


You can email the show at podcast@runningmagazine.ca

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