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Running film tackles running’s Holy Grail (qualifying for Boston)

There are a few screenings left on the cross-Canada tour for "Billy Runs Boston?" including Toronto on Nov. 20

Billy Runs Boston?

Toronto actor and director Tony Marra has been touring his highly entertaining running film, Billy Runs Boston? around Canada, and there are a few screenings left on the schedule. It’s currently in B.C., and will wrap up with a screening at Toronto’s Hot Docs Cinema on Nov. 20.  

The title character in Billy Runs Boston? is Billy Russo–a middle-aged man (played by Marra) who works as a janitor while caring for his nearly non-verbal brother; the two men live under the thumb of their embittered sister. Billy is a person of simple needs, who runs primarily to escape, however briefly. the difficult aspects of his life, and to feel like himself. 

Billy Runs Boston?

One day, a fellow runner in Billy’s run club suggests he should try to qualify for Boston, and this idea gives Billy a new sense of purpose. His well-meaning friends help him out with gift cards and hand-me-down shoes, and Billy becomes obsessed with his quest. But there are consequences: he starts neglecting his brother’s care, and, as so often happens in real life, injury strikes. What will Billy do? This is where things get interesting.

Billy Runs Boston has all of the familiar running tropes: the lengths people will go to qualify for Boston. The fartleks, hill repeats, tempo runs and intervals. The chafing. The relationship between running and social media. The outrageous prices for carbon-plated running shoes. And, of course, the Holy Grail for  marathoners–qualifying for Boston. It pokes gentle fun at how ridiculous runners can be, while highlighting running’s true bottom line: for many of us, like Billy, we run because it makes us feel like better people. (To what extent this is actually true is one of the film’s most interesting themes.)

Billy Runs Boston


The film is full of recognizable Toronto running locations, including a cameo by The Runners Shop on Bloor St. West.

Remaining screenings

Billy Runs Boston? is coming to Kamloops, B.C. (Kamloops Film Society) on Oct. 24; Vancouver ( Rio Theatre) on Oct. 26; Victoria (Victoria Theatre) on Oct. 28; Whitehorse (The Beringia) on Oct. 30; Yellowknife (Capitol Theatre) on Nov. 2; Iqualuit (Astro Theatre) on Nov. 5 and Toronto (Hot Docs Cinema) on Nov. 20. For more information, click here


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