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Portlandia to make fun of runners in upcoming skit

Photo: Creative Commons
Photo: Creative Commons

Runners, it’s finally happening. Portlandia has chosen to feature our kind in an upcoming skit in the show’s next season.

Many of us have been waiting for something like this to happen. At last, it’s our time to shine as the subject of one of Portlandia’s clever skits.

The show kicked off in 2011 and became popular for making fun of Portland’s prominent hipster culture. It’s famous for poking fun at everything from a hip feminist women’s bookstore to free range farms and those who buy exclusively from them. They’ve also poked fun of cyclists in the part. Now, the comic geniuses have decided to roast the running community.

And they’re asking for extras.

Not sure what to expect? Check out the clip below, Get the Gear, where they tease gear-crazy hikers.

The running scene will feature about 100 runners for a mock marathon with the shoot being held on Aug. 22 for two to four hours in the morning. This news comes after a recent posting announced the shoot calling out for runners to participate. Exact location isn’t known but will be revealed closer to the date. It will be somewhere in Portland or the surrounding area. Real runners are welcome to come out but discouraged from wearing prominent logos on their clothing.

The makers of Portlandia should have their fair share of material to draw from. Runners are pretty famous for poking fun at themselves and the sport as well. We’re just glad runners are providing the writers of the show with comedic inspiration.


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