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Top 5 questions from new runners in 2024

Your burning questions, answered

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Running is more than just a form of exercise; it is a way of life. As more people embrace the sport in 2024, new runners are bound to have questions about getting started, staying motivated and overcoming challenges. From the gear needed to that elusive “runner’s high,” here are the top five questions that new runners have in 2024.

What gear do I need to get started?

The first step in becoming a runner is to invest in a good pair of shoes. Go to a dedicated running store where experts can recommend the right pair for you. This will ensure that you have the right support and comfort to prevent injuries.

person running backward

Since we’re in Canada, don’t forget to gear up for winter running. Invest in some proper thermal clothing and layers to stay warm and comfortable, so you can run outside (at least on nicer days), and make sure to grab a hat and some decent gloves and socks to protect your extremities from the cold. 

What should my first few runs look like?

When starting out, take it slow and keep your runs short. You can build up your endurance and pace gradually over time. Pushing yourself too hard in the beginning by running too fast or too far can lead to burnout or injury, so it’s important to listen to your body and give it time to adjust.

If running continuously feels challenging, consider incorporating walk breaks. This approach, known as a walk/run (or run/walk), can help you ease into the sport and build stamina. It allows your body to recover briefly before continuing to run, making it easier to increase your overall distance over time.

woman running into a dark tunne

Should I eat before my run?

Some runners prefer to eat before a run, others don’t–what works for you will take some trial and error. 

If you’re eating close to your run, opt for something small, with simple carbohydrates for quick energy, like a piece of fruit, a granola bar or a slice of toast with honey or peanut butter. If you have a few hours before your run, go for a bigger snack or a meal that includes a mix of complex carbs and protein, at least an hour before your run. This will help you sustain your energy levels throughout your run and help prevent the dreaded “bonk” or sudden drop in energy.

Experiment with different foods and timings to see what works best for your body. Remember to drink water before and after your run; you may not need to carry water with you on your run in winter, as long as it’s reasonably short, and as long as you hydrate well immediately afterward.

Person eating sandwich
Photo: Unsplash/gardie-design

How can I differentiate between pain I should run through versus pain I should be wary of?

It’s normal to experience discomfort during a run, such as burning quads or difficulty regulating your breathing. In such cases, it’s best to slow down or take a short walk break to allow your body to recover. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stop running altogether; simply listen to your body and adjust the intensity as needed.

If you feel any sharp or consistent pain while running, you should stop. Pushing through pain could lead to further injury. If something doesn’t feel right, take a break and rest.

If the pain persists after three days of rest, consult a physiotherapist or healthcare professional.

tired runner

If I’m not getting that “runner’s high” from running, what other ways can I motivate myself to get out the door?

You may not experience “runner’s high” right away (and some people doubt its existence). Ideally, at some point running becomes at least enjoyable (at least part of the time). But if it’s not getting you “high” every time, it doesn’t mean it’s not for you. 

In the meantime, try different strategies to stay motivated and committed to your running routine:

  • Join a running club or find a running buddy
  • Run at a time that works for you (rather than forcing yourself to run in the early morning)
  • Sign up for a race
  • Keep a running log
  • Mix up your running routine with different types of runs (easy runs, speed workouts and long runs)


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