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Keeping a running log: What to look for


Keeping a running log? Tracking the details of your runs and training is a good idea. It helps highlight achievements and motivate runners during times when running loses some of its appeal. Getting nervous before the big race? Your log serves as proof of your hard work during times when you wonder whether or not you did enough. Looking over the pages, runners will find out what works and what doesn’t.

If you’re keeping a log of all your efforts, you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of it. Not all runners get the same benefits from the same workouts. Make notes on the type of workout you did, how you felt and if anything felt off as a result. Keep an eye on your body’s response when testing out new workouts or jumps in mileage. Time of day also impacts performance. You should know if you run better in the morning, afternoon or evening. Not only will that make long runs feel better, it also helps when scheduling races.

Include nutrition info. Ever had a pre-run nutritional fail? If you’re feeling more fatigued than usual or feel weak after a run, keeping record of the meals and snacks the fueled you properly is a good idea. Save yourself from having it happen regularly.

Finally, keeping a log is important in helping pinpoint the source of injuries. You might notice that certain surfaces are doing you no good. Or, maybe you didn’t notice that you increased your mileage too quickly. Even if you’re following the “rules” of running, you can make your own modifications to prevent injury next time.

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