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Running couples clash over morning workout slot

ThinkstockPhotos-186407421It makes sense that runners often end up together. The love of that certain lifestyle, of fresh air and valuing one’s health tend to be major traits that determine whether people are compatible. While couples are one thing, families are another. When you throw kids into the mix, suddenly making sure everyone has their workout time can get a lot harder for running couples.

A recent article from the Wall Street Journal interviewed several athletic minded couples who found themselves clashing over the morning workout slot, you know, the one before the kids are awake and need to be taken to school. The one that’s not at the end of an exhausting workday.

The key to keeping everyone happy lies in communication. Sit down with each other at the end of each week with a calendar and map out when each of you will fit your workout in. Some ideas for extra efficiency are:

1) Consider a run commute.

This summer we’ve been featuring a series on runners that run commute to or from their place of employment and we’ve yet to find a runner that doesn’t love it. The bonus is that it’s time efficient and no family time is sacrificed.

2) See if you can get the kids involved.

If the main issue is that someone has to be home with the kids, see if there is some way to get them involved. You’d be surprised how pumped kids might be about getting to ride their bike alongside mum or dad running. If they’re little, consider investing in a running stroller. If you are driving older kids to activities, see if you can fit a run in around the neighbourhood where their soccer practice, or piano lesson is.

3) Alternate.

If the morning run is the be-all-end-all of time slots, alternating mornings is the way to go so that no one feels like they received the short end of the stick.

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