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9 last-minute start line realizations no runner wants to have

No runner wants to realize any of these in the moments before the race starts...

As runners, we welcome October and the weeks of perfect running weather it brings with it. As fall approaches (or in some parts of Canada, winter), we look forward to race season and do our best to calm the butterflies as we head to plant our feet on start lines across the country. If you’re a distance runner, fall means one thing: goal races. Sadly, our race plans don’t always unfold wrinkle-free. Here are some of the worst things to realize in the moments before the start. 

RELATED: “I peed my pants!” Hilarious race day mishaps experienced at Canadian Running

You have to pee… again.

You put so much effort into making sure your body is hydrated and ready to go. Hey, no one wants to feel a dry throat within the first two kilometres of a race. The downside of ensuring you don’t shrivel up like a raisin? Now you have to pee and the race starts in 30 seconds. Ugh!

The watch is in miles, not kilometres. 

You let your sister borrow your GPS watch and now that you’re about ready to go, it’s in miles not kilometres and, you don’t know how to change it. Great, guess you’re running on feel. 

You’re wearing the wrong shoes. 

This is a pretty basic error and with two minutes to go, you realize it’s one that you have made. If you warmed up in those shoes, take a second to chill. They may not be your best racing flats but you’re likely to do just fine. 

You accidentally went in the wrong corral.

And now you’re going to have to work your way up to correct pacing group. Sure, you may have to do a bit of weaving to get to the spot you want to be but this will be lesson learned for next time. 

The pants are on inside-out. 

You’re not entirely sure how this happened but now the seams are on the inside and you did not bring anything to prevent that chafe. Guess this is going to be a painful one. 

Last night’s dinner isn’t sitting so well. 

You second-guessed yourself when ordering that seafood pasta. (Hey, fettuccine counts as carb loading.) But now, your stomach is giving you some messages… and they’re not good.  

Your running rival is back.

OK you’re all set and ready to – *does double take.* Wow, your running rival is back. Now the pressure is on and you know that you’re going to spend the next 21.1K going back and forth and whoever has the lead. Maybe it’ll drag you to a better time though. 

You forgot the gels.

Well, this should be interesting. After months of trial and error and finding just the right fueling option, you forgot to bring it on the day when it matters the most. Classic mistake. 

A number two is threatening to make an appearance. 

Enough said. 

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