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Fortune cookie sayings: The runner’s version

What if every time you ordered Chinese (carbo-loading, anyone?) your fortune cookie saying was running themed? We imagined a world where such a thing happened and this is what we came up with.

slide_258103_1663457_free1) You will be hungry again in one hour.

2) When opportunity knocks, slip on your shoes and chase it.

3) Trust the hills; they know things.

4) Emulate what you respect in your athletic role models.

5) Now is the time to try a new fuel flavor.

6) Wave at the next runner you see and you’ll be grateful later.

7) Take the high road (and then loop back and take the low road and then add on an extra few Ks for good luck).

8) Well run is better than well said.

9) You will be pleasantly surprised by your next tempo workout.565#1run

10) Let the trails speak to you.

11) You will navigate many baggage claims in your lifetime.

12) Keep your eye out for someone special wearing reflective gear.

13) Your shoes will make you happy today.

14) Plan for many PBs ahead.

fortune cookie15) Travel with a second set of socks.

16) Someone is bragging about your dedication right now.

17) Your attention to detail is both a blessing and a curse.

18) Are your legs tired? Because you’ve been running through someone’s mind all day.

19) Someone has stalked your SportStats recently.

20) Your foam roller has a surprise for you tonight.

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