What type of runner are you?

Not all runners are exactly the same. We don’t all dream of going to Boston, running an ultra or setting a new personal best. Some of us run for the pure fun of it, to be outdoors, to spend time with others or to take control of our health and well-being. What type of runner are you?

There are many excellent reasons to run and none of them are any better than another.

But because we can, we’ve classified a few common albeit different “types” of runner. Are you one of these?

Canadian Running Magazine- Lanni Marchant winning 2013 Toronto Young St 10kThe all-season athlete

You run and train to compete and to run faster and further than ever before. You have a complete calender of races and competitions, each one an opportunity to better yourself and your personal best. Not rain, nor sleet, nor ice or snow can stop you from getting your training in. Friends and family call you ‘crazy’, ‘insane’ and ‘hardcore’ but really, you’re just totally committed to being the best version of yourself.

The fair-weather runner

Rainy days and relentless winters aren’t really your thing, especially when you’ve got a cozy bed and maybe a spin class to attend. But when the temperatures rise and the sun shines, you’ll happily lace up your shoes and enjoy a couple kilometers on your local route, exploring city parks, neighbourhoods and the coolest coffee shops. You may do a race or two, but not if it’s raining, windy or minus five degrees. And hey, you’re in great shape and look fabulous so who cares what’s happening in January.

The zen runner

Whether it’s an epic trail in an exotic landscape or perhaps a Trail runningdaily jaunt through the nearest park, you run to be one with nature and your surroundings. To explore the outdoors and experience it’s many sights, smells and sounds. Speed and pace are of little concern nor is distance or time; although some days you could seemingly run forever. You run for the pure and incredible experience that connects body, mind and even soul. You are well versed in the runner’s high for it comes to you every time you step outside and begin to move.

The fitness fanatic

Running is but one of the ways that you keep in amazing shape. You compliment your ‘cardio’ with weights, strength, spinning and swimming. You are no one trick pony.  Rather, you can do it all and do it well. Running may not be your favourite activity and you may not see it as much of a sport, but it does have an important place in keeping you healthy, fit and looking great.

The charitable runner

Once or twice a year one race or event stands out on your calender. You run for the good of others and for society. You raise hundreds, perhaps thousands, of dollars for worthy causes and contribute to something much bigger than running itself. Whether on your own or as part of a larger team, you run out of the goodness of your heart.

The socialite

stretchingSure, the whole running thing is kinda cool, but it’s the chatting, conversing and gossip that really gets you out the door. Your running club, crew, meet-up and/or training partners are among your closest friends and getting together once or twice a week is a sacred occasion. It doesn’t really matter how fast or far you go, you’re happy as long as you can chat about the latest news, your crazy colleagues or your latest vacation. And if you can capture a wicked post-run selfie to share on Facebook and Twitter, all the better.

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