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VIDEO: Michal Kapral’s juggling marathon featured on ESPN’s Top 10 Plays

Michal "the joggler" Kapral was featured on ESPN's Sportscenter Top 10 Plays, the U.S.-based cable's flagship program, on Oct. 11.

Michal Kapral

Canadian Michal Kapral’s joggling performance at the Chicago Marathon has now been seen by millions of viewers as it was featured on ESPN’s SportsCenter Top 10 Plays. Sportscenter is the U.S.-based cable company’s flagship program and features sports highlights and stories from around the world.

Kapral ran 2:55:25 at the Chicago Marathon last Sunday while juggling more than 50,000 times throughout the course of the race. The Toronto resident’s fastest marathon run while juggling is 2:50:12, a world record, but Sunday was the first time he has completed a marathon without dropping any of his three bean bags.

RELATED: Full race recap: Canada’s Michal Kapral juggles entire Chicago Marathon with no drops.

Known as “the joggler,” Kapral was featured eighth on the list of top 10 plays of the night by ESPN. His performance earned him praise from the ESPN sports anchor who said “that’s unbelievable.” The former editor of Canadian Running‘s appearance came during the Oct. 11 episode.

“Still can’t believe it was on there,” says Kapral. “Wow.”

For reference, Kapral has run a 2:30 non-juggling marathon.

Canadian Running caught up with Kapral recently and filmed a segment often known as “mean tweets,” where celebrities read off mean comments directed at them. In this case, Kapral read off some tweets and LetsRun.com comments. See the full video below.

Michal Kapral reads internet trolling

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