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Conditioning exercises that take only minutes

It’s too easy to forget to do all the conditioning and stretching work that helps runners fine-tune all the little parts of the body that come together to make for strong running.

pilates stretching fitness exercises

Sometimes it seems that there are just too many exercises to remember. Or you don’t have the time. We’ve rounded up a few easy ones that will take just a mere few minutes out of your day. Get these out of the way first thing, right before bed, or even while you’re waiting for dinner to cook.


Chair pose

For your: Calves

How to: Stand with your feet hip width apart. Raise your arms above your head then lower yourself into a squat. The knees should not go over the toes. Then, slowly lift heels off the ground raising yourself up onto your toes. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

Mini ab circuit

For your: Core. Strengthen the core to keep you upright while running. Strong cores make for sturdy running form.

How to: Choose three to five of your favourite exercises for abs (crunches, leg lifts, plank,etc.). Do each for one to two minutes without rest and rotate. Keeping motion slow and controlled rather than super fast will ensure that you are putting more demand on muscles. Don’t cheat by doing the easy version even if you’re doing more reps.


stability ball hamstringsHip lift

For your: Hips. Strong hips make for better balance while running.

How to: Using a yoga mat and large exercise ball, lie flat on the ground place the calves over the ball. Spread the arms out so your body forms a “T”. Slowly roll the ball closer to your body. As you do so, raise the hips. Bring the ball close enough so the feet are flat on top. Raise the hips fully and hold. Return back to start. Do about 10 to 15 reps.

Calf raises

For your: Calves. The calves are a major part that the runner relies on. Weak calves can lead to lower leg injury.

How to: Find a set of stairs. Stand so that the balls of your feet are on the step but the heels hang over the edge. Lift yourself slowly up onto the balls of your feet. Hold and slowly come back down. Use a rail or wall for support if standing-pigeonnecessary. Do three sets of 10 to 15 lifts.

Standing pigeon

For your: Ankles. Lessen the risk of sprained ankles and improve balance by working out the small muscles around your ankle.

How to: Start with your feet hip distance apart. Lift the right foot off the ground and place the right ankle over the left thigh. Flex the right foot. Wait until you find your balance and slowly bring the arms above the head. Once balanced, sink into a slight squat. Hold this position for 15 seconds and repeat on the other side. 

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