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Researchers find people to be at their lowest weight this week and next

For those on a weight loss mission, this week is likely to wield best results.

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For those on a weight loss mission, there’s good news. For this week and next, you are likely to be your slimmest.

According to a new study, during these weeks in October, people are most likely to be at their lowest weight compared to the rest of the year. This was pinpointed by researchers at Cornell University and was originally reported on by The New York Times.

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Early October has many factors that can contribute to a person hitting their goal number on the scale. For one, many of us (especially runners) have just spent the summer months eating light, participating in outdoor activities and upping their mileage for fall race season.

But another main contributor– emphasized by the New England Journal of Medicine– is that around this time of year, we’ve gone without the big holidays that bring with them an onslaught of unhealthy eating. As holidays like Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year’s approach, the number on the scales climb. The pounds pack on especially in the weeks leading up to festivities.

That people gain weight during the holidays isn’t exactly news though. But one particularly notable finding in the study is that the pounds that are added during the next 10 weeks or so, take about five months to come off. So while now may be the trimmest time of year for many, the habits that come with the holidays come with results that take until April or May to reverse.

The Cornell University study was conducted by Brian Wansink, Elina Helander of Tampere University of Technology and Angela Chich of Witings– a company which distributes healthy monitoring devices. Those who were observed had their stats monitored over a year period starting in August 2012. The sample group of 3,000 people consisted of participants from Japan, Germany and the U.S.

Those from the U.S. were at their heaviest right after New Year’s Day.

As Thanksgiving weekend is right around the corner for those living in Canada, see our ingredient swaps that make for healthier festive dinners.

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