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The ridiculously long grocery list of an elite female runner

How Lucia Stafford fuels 90K cross-country weeks (hint: it includes 8L of milk)

Lucia Stafford

Lucia Stafford is a Pan Am Junior gold medallist, was fifth at the FISU Games this past summer, is a multi-time U Sports Champion at every event from the 1,000m through 8K cross-country, and she’s gearing up for her fourth season as a University of Toronto Varsity Blue.

Lucia Stafford
Photo: Martin Bazyl

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Stafford is currently training for cross-country, meaning that her weeks are adding up to nearly 90K. Runners have to fuel well regardless, but especially when their mileage gets that high. But Stafford’s goals go beyond U Sports. She’s got her eye on the 2020 Olympic Games and is hoping to compete alongside her older sister Gabriela DeBues-Stafford on that team.


With nine big months of training and racing ahead of her, what she eats is more important than ever. Here’s what the 21-year-old buys in a week to make sure she’s enjoying the food she eats while meeting her nutritional requirements.

Lucia Stafford’s weekly grocery list


Avocados (usually a pack of five, sometimes two packages if she’s making guacamole)
Two bunches of bananas
Tub of spinach
Cherry tomatoes
One package of frozen veggies
Potatoes (because she loves mashed potatoes)


Whole wheat toast
Naan bread
Two packages of pasta
Corn tortillas


Snack foods:

Nutri Grain Bars (She doesn’t like protein bars, so this is her post or pre-workout alternative)
A jar of peanut butter (she easily eats one a week)


6L of white milk
2L of chocolate milk (she’s obsessed with milk)
A tub of vanilla greek yogurt (she tried to convert to plain but missed the sugar too much)


Red meat (she tries to have red meat once a week)
Cold cuts


Chocolate and cookies (she always has this in the house)
Ice cream (on occasion because she’ll eat it all if it’s around)

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