Older Articles

Early Morning Workouts

A lot of non-runners question my sanity when I tell them I run five days a week at 5:30am. Hopefully those who question why… will see this commercial wonder why they don’t join me in this early morning ritual!

Ads that Speak to Me

A friend emailed me these ads about running. She knows me well… I love them and thought you might enjoy them too.

I Love Hills (just not this one)

If I’m bored at work… some days I’ll wrap up my work early and go out and get a high off the adrenaline of an impromptu physical challenge… today was one of those days. I decided to run up a 1km incline… Why would I do this? Well about 1/2 way up the hill I asked myself that exact same question!

I am a Running Clinic Instructor!

For everyone out there who has been telling me they want to learn how to run… this is your chance! I’m now a running clinic instructor! I won’t promise it will be easy… but I do guarantee you we’ll laugh and (learn to) enjoy ourselves!

The Next Project

Born-again runners… they can be annoying (I know… I am one)… converting non-runners one at a time is sort of furn… especially when they think they are a lost cause and that they could never be a runner (like I once did)!

I Love Mondays!

In Photo: Monique, Krista and Me after our run this morning I love Mondays… because it means I can run […]

My First Race

I’ve been running for a year now… still haven’t entered a race… well until today! I liked the concept of Nike+ Human Race (plus I wanted the cool t-shirt)… hundreds of thousands of runners all over the world will run 10km at the same time… how is that for world unity? Obviously runners around the world are lovers… not haters!

Support of Friends

In Photo: Krista and Me (note: we believe that no make-up or color co-ordinated outfits are required to exercise but […]

Tail-Wagging Happy

There is an unexplainable happiness that rushes through my veins when I run… it’s hard to believe a year ago I found running difficult because now it is the favorite part of my day.

Competitive Edge

I’ve only run 10km once before…it almost killed me… this time wasn’t much easier but I was able to shave 3 mins and 26 seconds off my first attempt! Sweet victory for me!

Running in Manhattan

For those of you new to this blog, when I started running last year, I decided to give myself a […]

Family Traits

I keep wearing out my sneakers, not on the soles but on the ankles. What’s the deal with this? What adds to this mystery is my cousin has the same issue!