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Why runners get swimmer’s ear

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Though it may seem unlikely, runners can get swimmer’s ear despite the fact that the sport rarely includes spending time at the pool. The infection culprit: earbuds.

What is it?

For those that don’t know, swimmer’s ear is an infection caused by too much moisture in the ear canal. When the infection sets in, a person will feel a sharp pain in the infected ear, swelling, discharge or even pain on the side of the face. More serious cases lead to loss of hearing. For many athletes, the most common cause is having the head submerged in water. But it can also happen when the earbud acts as a plug not allowing for perspiration to escape or dry out. Moisture then builds up, get trapped behind wax and turns into an infection.

How to avoid it 

Dr. Eugene Chio, assistant professor at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Centre, says that runners should be aware of this problem if they wear earbuds while running. “We see it most often among people who run longer distances or triathlons,” he says. He says that wearing earbuds during a 30 minute run isn’t likely to lead to an infection but that runners who are wearing them regularly and for prolonged periods need to watch out.

“The main thing is to let ears have the chance to dry off,” says Chio. That might mean ditching the earbuds on the longer runs or taking them off during sections of the run. And once in the door, Chio recommends taking them off as soon as possible.

What should you do if you get it?

If you do get an infection, avoid Q-tipping. That will only push wax deeper into the ear. Instead, Chio suggests putting a couple drops of rubbing alcohol into the irritated ear. If you feel the infection developing, plug in the hairdryer. Blowing the warm air into the ear canal will dry up moisture as well and nip swimmer’s ear in the bud. Of course, there’s always the option of going music-free entirely.

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