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How to make strength training more fun this summer


Sometimes the strength work falls to the back burner. Even though having the core, glutes and leg muscles in ship shape is ideal for runners, it’s easy to get out for the run and neglect the rest. But if you make a point of doing it, you’ll notice how much stronger you feel while running. Here’s how to make the strength training less boring this summer.

Courtesy of barreworks.ca
Courtesy of barreworks.ca

1. Sign up for a Barreworks class 

This is one of the new trendy workouts and actually, when Canadian Running tested it, we found that it was a great full-body strength workout. Not used to working those arms? These classes will get you out of that habit. Need to improve balance and stabilizer muscles? Barre has you covered.

2. Get in the habit of doing a morning core circuit

Strength work doesn’t have to take long and it doesn’t have to happen at the gym. Set the alarm just a little bit earlier, pull out the yoga mat and get those abs working for eight to ten minutes of intensity. Pick eight different core exercises, do each for a full minute switching without stopping for a break. No cheating.

3. Try out a summer-themed cross-training activitystand up paddle boarding

Like stand-up paddle boarding or kayaking. Either of those will work unused muscle groups. And being outside in the sun, you’ll forget you’re even working out.

4. Do yoga in the park

And we mean the moves that make you work. Many runners really depend on their yoga. Come winter, you’ll wish you could do it in the park so take advantage of nice weather while you’ve got it.

5. Train for an obstacle race

Hey, it may be harder to compare performances in these kinds of races and they might not be as competitive as that 10K race you’re really training for, but many find obstacle course races a fun way to keep fitness up to par.

ThinkstockPhotos-4902627956. Take a weighted ball to the beach

Running on the beach might not be the best way to get training runs in as it can sometimes lead to injury but beaches make a great setting for other kinds of workouts. Bring the weighted ball or resistance band down to the beach and strength training will become something to look forward to. Though, you’re likely looking for a less crowded beach.

7. Get a friend and do exercises that require a partner

Some things are better when done with a partner. Running is one example. Strength training is another. Get a friend to agree to working out with you and it’ll become more fun for both of you.





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