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Six questions runners are too embarrassed to ask

Below is a list of just a few questions we've been asked more than once in secret...

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So you have a running question you’re too embarrassed to ask. Been there. Whether you’re completely new to the sport or you’re just wanting to pick it up a couple notches, we aim to be a trusted source for all your running-related curiosities. If for whatever reason you’re too ashamed to ask your running-related question, keep in mind that we’ve heard it before. Below is a list of just a few questions we’ve been asked more than once in secret… 

1. I want to start running, but I get tired easily. Is there a quick fix?  

Slow it down. Your aim isn’t to run fast, it’s to stay on your feet for an extended period of time. Over time you will get faster. If you’re feeling tired, slow down to a manageable pace. You should feel comfortable enough to hold that pace for the duration you plan to be out. Introduce walk breaks if necessary. If you’re looking for a way to get your fitness back as quickly as possible, fartlek workouts are a good bet. Alternating between slow, moderate and intense efforts will go a long way in gaining back speed and endurance. 

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2. I’m a new runner. Is a late-spring half-marathon a dumb idea? 

Not necessarily. If you do the work and increase mileage safely, you could swing a late-spring half-marathon. There isn’t really one straightforward answer to this question though. If you’re someone who is already active and is coming from a sports background, training for a half-marathon is going to come a lot easier than a person who is coming to running after years of inactivity– as long as you commit to your training plan. If you’re the latter, starting with a shorter distance like a 5K or 10K is going to be a smarter idea. 

3. I’m getting in shape for the first time in years, but I’m scared to run in public in case I’ll be judged. 

This is a common fear among new runners. Truthfully, most of the time other runners don’t even notice the paces or appearances of those who they share the roads with. Keep in mind that the running scene is also incredibly diverse with runners coming from all ages, paces, body types and abilities. Everyone is equally deserving of the chance to become a runner too. Remember that no matter what pace you run at, there’s always someone faster and there’s always someone slower. If you’re embarrassed about your slow jog, recognize that if anyone does notice, rather than judge you for it, it’s way more likely that you’ve inspired them not to skip their workout that day. Well done! 

4. Why do others runners keep warning me about high mileage? I thought the more, the better. 

Too much of anything is often a bad thing. Other runners are warning you about doing too much too fast. If you go from low mileage to high mileage, it’s only a matter of time before you get injured. To build mileage safely, work up to the longer distances over time by increasing long run distances by 15 per cent each week. Listen to your body. If you need a day off, take a day off. 

5. I don’t run because I can’t find a good sports bra. 

There are tons of great, high quality sports bras on the market and they’re made for all kinds of body types. If this is a struggle, keep in mind that a good sports bra is a worthwhile investment. Our useful round-up of sports bras that actually fit curvy figures is here. And yes, we have tested them. 

6. What’s the benefit of doing my intervals on the track? 

There are many reasons why you should consider doing your next workout on the track. A track’s surface is softer and more runner-friendly than concrete and it’s smoother than trails so you can go faster too. By running on a track, you also know the exact distance of each lap (400m on an outdoor track) and you don’t have to account for hills or rough terrain. If you’re running indoors, you won’t have wind slowing down your times which keeps your kilometre repeats honest. 

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