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Boston Marathon tips from Canada’s best

Lanni MarchantMonday is Patriots’ Day in Massachusetts meaning the Boston Marathon for 2,500 Canadians, many of whom will be racing the course for their first time.

It’s an exciting weekend, but don’t let that throw your race off! We asked two of Canada’s top veterans of the race, Lanni Marchant and Rob Watson, to give their Boston Marathon tips for acing it on race day.

Lanni Marchant

  1. I’m sure thousands of people have said it, but be patient. Like any marathon, it’s the last few clicks that matter the most. On a course like Boston it is important not to get carried away (or down rather) during the first half of the course.
  2. Enjoy the atmosphere. Last year the crowds were amazing and I definitely tried to take in everything about the race that I could.
  3. Heartbreak Hill isn’t worse than any other hill (or heartbreak) you’ve endured in the past. Keep moving and you’ll get to the top and wonder later what all the fuss was about.


Rob WatsonRob Watson

  1. Have a solid race day plan and give yourself a lot of time to get to the start. It’s a point-to-point, and it’s a bit of a haul to get way out to Hopkinton. Also, the start area can be a bit of a zoo. Give yourself ample time as to avoid unnecessary stress.
  2. Be weary of the downhills. That pounding will tear you apart and then when you hit the Newton hills at 16 miles you’ll be effed, So chill the first half! If you can survive the hills you can roll the last six miles.
  3. Take it all in! This is one of the biggest and best races in the world. Enjoy yourself, soak in all the positive energy, high five some drunk college kids, whoop it up with the locals and have fun. The Boston Marathon is rad. Make sure you leave with more then just hammered quads and bloody nipples; make some memories!


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