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At-home strength training: bodyweight exercises for runners

Another print issue of Canadian Running, another at-home strength workout for runners from Jon-Erik Kawamoto

Photo by: Jon-Erik Kawamoto

Like every year, Canadian Running Magazine opened 2021 with a new print issue for January and February, and as usual, Newfoundland’s Jon-Erik Kawamoto is back with another strength training routine for runners. In this issue, he’s focused on bodyweight exercises, and he says this routine is specifically designed to introduce runners to strength training. So whether you’re new to running or a seasoned runner who’s new to strength work, check out the video below, and be sure to grab the latest issue of Canadian Running, which is available in stores now, to see Kawamoto’s writeup and much more.

When you hear the words “strength training,” your mind probably jumps to the gym or weightlifting. What’s great about these exercises is that they require no equipment, so anyone can perform them. If you’re new to running or strength training, you might be wondering why this is a key part of your weekly schedule. As Kawamoto says, the main point is to keep you from getting hurt.

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“I’d like to emphasize that strength training is really important in helping you stay injury-free,” Kawamoto says in the above video. “It’s not 100 per cent [foolproof], but it will do its job in helping you get stronger and faster.” He also notes that strength work will help improve your running economy, which is essentially your efficiency while running. Being a more efficient runner will help you conserve as much energy as possible, meaning you’ll be able to run faster and farther.

This routine focuses on explosive power, balance, strength and your core, and Kawamoto says to perform it one to two times per week. It’s a relatively quick workout (you don’t need to dedicate hours of exercise for strength training to be worth it), and the eight exercises Kawamoto highlights will go a long way in helping you to improve as a runner.

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Jon-Erik Kawamoto, MSc, CSCS, CEP, is a strength and conditioning coach, a regular contributor to Canadian Running and co-owner of JKConditioning, a personal training, nutrition and run coaching company in St. John’s, Nfld. Find out more at JKConditioning.com

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