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If you’re a runner, you’re probably making these two mistakes with your protein intake

We already knew that protein is an essential part of the runner's diet but now experts have found two common mistakes many runners are guilty of making...


The role and importance of protein in one’s diet is fairly obvious. Most of us know that protein is the key building block for new muscle mass. Want strong muscles to bring you through the long runs? Include lots of protein in the diet.

However, fewer know that it also plays an essential role in repairing damaged muscle tissue. Muscle damage is a common occurrence after a long or hard run or race. What’s more is that protein provides up to 10 per cent of the energy needed to sustain endurance exercises– like running. All of this means that endurance athletes such as runners need protein even more than the average person.

How much do I eat?

Given these important functions, recent recommendations for endurance athletes is to consume 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. As such a 130lb (59kg) female would need 106 grams of protein per day. A 180lb (82kg) male would need 148 grams.

To put that into perspective, these protein portions that experts suggest for endurance athletes is roughly double the amount recommended for the general population. As an additional “rule,” protein should make up 20-25 per cent of one’s daily caloric intake.

So what else should round out those breakfast, lunch and dinner plates? Well, experts suggest that carbohydrates should account for about 50-60 per cent and fats should make up the rest– about 20-25 percent.

RELATED: Carbohydrates: What you need to know about the runner’s preferred fuel

But don’t get the timing wrong!

One commonly overlooked or unknown fact about protein is that when you eat it is just as important as how much you eat. Most Canadians consume the majority of their daily protein during dinner, towards the end of the day. And many eat up to 60 per cent of their daily intake of protein in just one meal. This is a problem because you can only use about 20-25 grams of protein at a given time. If you eat more than this in one sitting, it will simply be burned as energy. Plus, because of the way your body functions with routine activity, you need protein at all times of the day– not just at the end.

RELATED: Get protein timing right

Spreading out protein consumption equally over three meals plus snacks is the best way to maximize its nutritional benefits and give your body what it needs. Aim to get 20-25 grams of protein with every meal and in snacking throughout the day. Another suggestion: front-load your protein intake by getting an adequate amount with breakfast and lunch. There’s also emerging evidence that having some protein just before bed can be beneficial for enhancing overnight recovery.

A final point to consider– which many runners already know — is that you should be sure to eat foods that contain protein, in combination with carbohydrates, after any hard run or workout.

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